![Eliane Lothritz](media/img/artistes/LohritzGalerie.jpg)
![Eliane Lothritz](media/img/artistes/LohritzPortrait.jpg)
Eliane Lothritz
Eliane Lothritz, born in Luxembourg in 1962, lives in Bofferdange. Mother of 4 children, she used to work as a medical secretary. Since 10 years, her passion is book folding. She folds names, logos, slogans , subjects and even portraits. When the book is damaged to the point of being unable to be folded, she cuts it out and shapes pictures and sculptures with strips and extracts of paper.
Since a lot of years, Eliane participates in “Walfer Bicherdeeg”. She also exhibits on various art markets such as Bourglinster or Art´Lënster. Her works war also exposed in variant Luxembourg galleries ( Walferdange Gallery, Galerie A Rousen in Pétange, Galerie Chez Steinhäuser, old church in Roodt-Syr, etc)
In 2022 she did the whole Christmas decoration for Topaze, the commercial center in Merscherberg. (550 stars in 50, 40 an 30 cm)
Being president of the association Hobbykënschtler Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l, she also participates in the markets organized by their care.