“Depuis quelques années, son mari Pit Weisgerber l’a rejoint et, ensemble, ils réalisent des objets uniques et raffinés.”
Lily Weisgerber-Peters
Lily Weisgerber-Peters, born in 1943 in Reckenthal (L), starts weaving professionally in 1970, training in Luxembourg, Switzerland, Finland and Sweden. In 1982, she opens her workshop in Contern, where together with her husband Pit Weisgerber, they have been creating both functional and decorative handwoven objects out of natural materials. For many decades, Lily has been sharing her passion with students in various educational institutions, among others for Adults’ Education, Cepa and the Espace Créatique. She is a member of the European Textile Network, Damask Weavers Network, of the Fédération Suisse des Tisserands Professionnels and the Nordic Textile Network.
For this Biennial, the artists are proposing three works inspired by the characteristics of Luxembourg's territory and culture. The creations reflect the multiple geological layers of the country's land, the diversity of its population, reminding us of the importance of preserving what we have, welcoming and cherishing diversity. For one of their projects, they honor the theme of the Biennale by collaborating with a local designer and using local wool.