De Mains De Maîtres - Biennale 2021 Catalogue de l'exposition

Depuis 2004, Schnuppe von Gwinner dirige "craft2eu", une agence pour l'artisanat et le design européens. De 2004 à 2014, elle a également géré une galerie à Hambourg, où elle a reflété, avec clairvoyance, l'extraordinaire dans des expositions thématiques. En tant qu'auteur, Schnuppe von Gwinner écrit des critiques et des essais pour des magazines et des catalogues et elle a publié plusieurs livres. En 2005, elle a lancé le sur la culture européenne de l'artisanat et du design, un trésor d'inspiration où elle rend régulièrement compte d'expositions, d'événements, de lieux, sur l'artisanat, le design et ses protagonistes. Aujourd'hui, elle vit et travaille en free-lance à Leipzig et est étroitement liée au musée des arts appliqués GRASSI et à ses amis par le biais de divers projets. We would like to thank Schnuppe von Gwinner, a great specialist of Craft in Germany, for having accompanied us on this edition and for having made a selection of eight craftsmen from her country, in order to offer us an exceptional collection of rare and very high quality works. The attraction of arts, crafts and design led the art historian Schnuppe von Gwinner to specialise in this area of European culture at an early stage. Creative communication and marketing of European craft design are considered her outstanding expertise, recommending her as project manager and consultant for many European craft projects. Across Europe, she works for associations and institutions that show creative craftspeople in their region innovative options and thus new economic opportunities. On behalf of design faculties and institutions, Schnuppe von Gwinner teaches creative marketing. As a lecturer, she directs attention to the interfaces between tradition and innovation and thus to forward-looking trends and their cultural, social and economic foundations. As a sought-after juror and curator, she has been involved in many leading competitions and exhibitions throughout Europe. Since 2004 Schnuppe von Gwinner has been running "craft2eu" as an agency for fine European craft & design - from 2004 to 2014 also as a gallery in Hamburg. There, with foresight, she reflected the extraordinary and very special in changing themed exhibitions. As an author, Schnuppe von Gwinner writes reviews and essays for magazines and catalogues and she has published several books. In 2005 she started the about European craft and design culture, an inspiring treasure trove where she regularly reports on exhibitions, events, places, about crafts, design and its protagonists. Today she lives and works freelance in Leipzig and is closely connected to the GRASSI Museum for Applied Arts and its Friends through various projects. DE MAINS DE MAÎTRES | 185